- What is GamingLaptop.Deals?
GamingLaptop.Deals is this website! It’s run by Jarrod’s Tech to help gamers save money by sharing the best deals on gaming laptops. - How does GamingLaptop.Deals find deals?
We manually track prices from trusted retailers and only share discounts we believe are good deals. - What makes GamingLaptop.Deals different?
Other “deal websites” either post every single discount regardless of whether or not it’s actually a good deal, or they let anyone post what they think is a good deal when it may not be. We use our experience from reviewing 300+ gaming laptops on YouTube to curate the best options. As we have historical price data, we know whether or not a deal is actually good. The old retailer trick of increasing the price to then lower it for a “sale” does not work on us. - How often are deals updated on GamingLaptop.Deals?
The site is updated multiple times a day to ensure you never miss the latest sales. There’s no set specific time though, it varies. - Can I find deals for my country on GamingLaptop.Deals?
We currently share deals from different regions including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and India. - Do your deals ship internationally?
It depends on the retailer. Some of them ship internationally, but others do not. You will have to check what options the retailer has available after adding the laptop to your cart and attempting to check out. If you live in a country that is not listed above, then your best option is to check deals from the closest country to you. - Can you add deals from my country?
Maybe one day. For now, it takes all the available time that we have to manage the six regions above. In future we would like to expand into more regions. - Do prices on GamingLaptop.Deals include tax?
It depends. We share the prices found on the retailer’s website. For the United States and Canada, our listed prices do not include tax, as this is normal in those countries. But for the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and India, taxes are included in our listed prices. - Do you include shipping costs in the deal prices?
No. This will vary based on where you are located. Shipping prices will be provided by the retailer’s website that we are linking to after you add the laptop to your cart and proceed through the check out process. - Is GamingLaptop.Deals affiliated with retailers?
We may earn a small commission from purchases made through our links, but this doesn’t affect the deals we share. We do not work with any companies to promote their sales, we simply share good deals when we see them. We will always prioritize listing a cheaper deal from a retailer we do not earn a sale commission from than a worse deal from a retailer we may make a commission with. You saving money is our number one priority. If you find a deal cheaper than we have listed, please let us know with the email found below the listed deals. - Can I trust the deals shared on GamingLaptop.Deals?
Yes! We only link to reputable retailers. We have blacklisted a number of websites/sellers based on feedback from the community. - How do you know if a deal is a “Record Low Price”?
We keep track of prices internally for different gaming laptops with different specs. We will only apply the “Record Low Price” tag if we are confident that this is the case and have some long term data to back it up.
For example, if we see an epic looking deal on a gaming laptop, but the configuration of specs is not one we’ve shared before, we won’t apply the “Record Low Price” tag if we don’t have enough historical price data on it. It may indeed be a record low price, but we need to be confident when saying so.
As we don’t check every single retailer known to humankind, and instead check a finite number of reputable websites, it’s possible that a “Record Low Price” deal has been lower elsewhere. “Record Low Price” specifically refers to the data that we collect from well regarded retailers, and does not mean “lowest price ever on the Internet anywhere”. Dodgy retailers who we don’t link to are likely to have lower prices, for example. - Can you share your price tracking data on the site?
Although we track prices internally for the reason mentioned above, unfortunately we do not currently have the technical means to share this data on the website. This feature is on our future roadmap. - I found a good deal! Can you list it on the site?
If we also think it’s a good deal, then yes! You can find the correct email address to use for each region below the deal listings. Depending on email volume, we may or may not reply. Unfortunately we cannot provide feedback on all submissions as to why your submitted deal may or may not be a good deal. - Can I sort the deals?
You can use these drop down menus near the top of the page to sort deals by different values that we have defined.
Unfortunately it is not currently possible to sort all deals by lowest to highest price. Long story short (but slightly technical), with the way our table software works, integer values get converted into a string when the formula to calculate the discount amount is processed, preventing sorting working correctly. We hope to improve this in future. - How are deals sorted by default?
Oldest deals are down the bottom, newest deals are up the top. There’s no ranking system. A deal being at the top doesn’t mean it’s better, just that it was added more recently and is newer. That said, if there is a particularly good deal we may re-add it to “bump” it up to the top if we think it is worthy of the attention. - Does GamingLaptop.Deals include refurbished, open box or used laptops?
No. At this time, we only share deals for brand new gaming laptops. We may add a tab in future for used models, as they provide great value – but if that time comes, they will be clearly labelled as such. - How do I know if a listed laptop is good for my needs?
Our deals can be sorted by price and specs, but ideally you already need to know what you’re after to get the most from this website. Ultimately you will need to refer to our gaming laptop reviews to make an informed decision. - Do you share deals on models you don’t recommend?
In most cases, no. There are a handful of models that are blacklisted from this site due to how poorly we reviewed them. However, we acknowledge that in some countries, these models might be the only options available, so we will still share them – but they have to be even better deals to make up for it. - What brands are covered on GamingLaptop.Deals?
Honestly, the brand is irrelevant in our selection process. Every brand is capable of making good and bad gaming laptops. What we care about is whether or not a deal offers good value for the level of performance and features on offer. However, as mentioned above, there are some specific models we prefer not to list where possible. - What gaming laptop should I buy?
That’s a big question which deserves a big answer! We’ve done our best to answer it here. - Can you help me choose between two deals?
Unfortunately it is not possible for us to offer direct personalized one-on-one assistance at this time. We suggest asking the community on the r/GamingLaptops subreddit – Jarrod occasionally pops in when he has time. Otherwise, supporting members of the YouTube channel can contact us on Discord. - Your deal prices are wrong / the laptop has sold out!
An unfortunate downside of manually hand-picking the best deals is that when prices change or products go out of stock, it may take us a few hours to update the site – especially if we’re asleep! We do our best to keep the listings up to date, and we’re looking to automate updates and removal of out of stock deals as part of our future roadmap. - Can I get deal alerts from GamingLaptop.Deals?
Yes! Sign up for our weekly email newsletter to stay updated on the best gaming laptop deals. Please note that currently the newsletter only covers US deals. Otherwise your best bet is to bookmark this website and check back regularly to see what’s new. Newest deals are listed first.